York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir have received a film of the choir made by celebrated BBC film camera man Henry Farrar.
Mr Farrars experience includes extensive work with Alan Whicker and David Attenborough. He is the author of a book outlining the history of filming and has had many accolades for his work.
Now age 91 Henry volunteered his services having listened to the choir and wanted to make a film about our history and current way of working as a Male Voice Choir. The film focuses on the choirs history, roles of its principals and show cases the concert given in Selby Abbey earlier this year.
Mike Wash the Chairman says “ we are honoured and grateful to receive this work by Henry Farrar. He has put many hours in to filming and producing this record of our history and current examples of performance. We will make it available now and we hope it will encourage recruitment and it will serve as a suitable showcase to highlight in our Centenary year ( 2025 ) It can be seen on our Youtube channel at