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Christmas Traditions


Last week we enjoyed giving four successful performances of our popular Christmas Traditions show. We planned and rehearsed in the hope and expectation of being able to perform but still with a question mark, a doubt as to whether Covid 19 would allow us such pleasure.

Richard introduced the show with this thoughtful, reflective piece; a message of hope, and resolve in these uncertain times.

Changing Traditions -written and presented by Richard Kay 2021

Sometimes change must happen, Traditions must evolve

Last Christmas altered our routines and challenged our resolve.

With gatherings impossible, traditional Christmas scenes

Gave way to sharing presents over our computer screens.

Blowing kisses to each other through a window, through a mask

A hug, a handshake, a mistletoe kiss, was far too much to ask.

On Christmas Day itself, a single day to meet and greet

As families wondered what to do with their leftover meat

(If supply chains are disrupted, we may begin to wish

We had frozen it and warmed it up for this year’s Christmas dish!)

Embracing the outdoors as we met in groups of six

“I’m dreaming of a mild Christmas”; an altered Christmas hit.

Singing songs on Zoom, as we had done throughout the year

Carols, songs and readings spreading online Christmas cheer.

But though our customs had been altered due to circumstance

Some things will never change, some things we’ll never leave to chance.

A time for us to focus on the spirit of the Saviour?

A time to celebrate with different spirits for to savour.

A time to come together in whatever way we see

To care for one another and to dress the Christmas tree.

A time to get excited, to give and to receive

To spread some Christmas magic, to share and to believe.

While it’s true they may need to adjust due to unforeseen conditions

We’ll always find a way to mark our own Christmas Traditions.


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